Our Story

Welcome to CAKE Nail Treatment and Color, where clean beauty meets luxurious indulgence. Founded by three generations united by their passion for natural beauty and a commitment to embracing a healthy lifestyle, CAKE is more than a nail care brand—it's a celebration of love and a dedication to purity.

At CAKE, we believe that beauty should never come at the expense of your health or the environment. That's why we've meticulously crafted our line of nail care products to be 21 Free, Vegan, Plant Powered, and Free from Animal Testing. We've carefully curated each ingredient, ensuring that only the simplest and most nourishing elements make their way into our formulas.

­­­We're on a mission to inspire confidence and self-expression while providing a guilt-free luxurious nail experience for everyone. Whether you're a busy mom, a trend-setting college student, or anyone in between, we believe that everyone deserves to indulge in clean, natural beauty without compromise.

Join us on our journey to redefine beauty standards and embrace the power of clean, luxurious nail care.